Green Energy Tea makes you interested in your job

Let’s be honest, work sucks. Having to drag ourselves out of bed, shower, inhale a quick breakfast, race through traffic, and sit in front of a computer all day in stuffy and dimly lit offices is a sure-fire way to make people lose interest in their jobs.

What’s worse is how the longer you stay in a position the more you realize the actual work you’re doing is incredibly unimportant. It’s just work for work’s sake.

It’s as if every aspect of the job, our duties, our employer, and the environment in which we work, only exists to turn us from enthusiastic new recruits into lethargic pieces of shit.

To combat this disease of indifference we must rely on heavy medication or supplements to reverse these feelings of apathy and recreate the eagerness of youth.

After spending loads of money on career coaches, career counselors, career changes, and self-help books, the only thing we find that actually works is caffeine.

Where do you get your caffeine, bro?

Every competent office manager, CEO, or CIO will know that in order to keep employees interested and productive, offices must be kept stocked with caffeine. As much as possible.

Businesses, large and small, will provide caffeinated beverages via on-site Starbucks locations, mobile coffee stations, Keurig machines, or refrigerators stock full of energy drinks—all sorts of free or cheap ways to encourage their staff to stay caffeinated.

Caffeine makes us more interested in our employer. For without this magical drug, productivity would suffer and turnover would increase. Employees would get burned out, disinterested, and just plain bored with the work they do if they’re not wired up on caffeine.

It’s hard to care about a job you’re not interested in. A strong cup of caffeine at regular intervals throughout the day keeps people feeling chipper and serves as fuel to artificially boost their commitment to the job.

Celestial Seasonings uses the well-recognized pillow-style tea bag made of abaca, a plant-based fiberCelestial Seasonings uses the well-recognized pillow-style tea bag made of abaca, a plant-based fiber

Most people turn to coffee because it’s so widely available and because it’s what everybody else is drinking. But many coffee beverages contain extra calories from the added fat and sweeteners because coffee by itself tastes so flat and bitter.

If you want something that’s easier to sip, gulp, or guzzle, you might like Green Energy Tea by Celestial Seasonings. It has the same amount of energy as coffee, and it tastes better too.

Celestial Seasonings Green Energy Tea

Green Energy Tea is made by Celestial Seasonings. It’s marketed as an “energy” tea. The ingredients lists contains a green tea extract that, we assume, bumps up the caffeine level to 95mg, which is comparable to a cup of coffee.

Ingredients: green tea, natural peach flavor with other natural flavors, matcha and green tea extract.

Green Energy Tea is part of a green tea line-up from Celestial Seasonings. Other green tea variants include:

  • Immune Support
  • Probiotic Tea
  • Honey Lemon Ginseng
  • Authentic Green
  • Matcha Green

Green Energy Tea is a fairly good price for a cup of caffeine, especially when ordered from Amazon in boxes of 6. The current price works out to $0.25 per cup!

Smell the cup and you find a blend of green tea and peach aroma. It’s soft and pleasant. But does it taste good?

Tea bag steeping in a Worlds best donuts mugBe careful of your steeping times. No one likes over-steeped tea

What does green energy tea taste like?

Green Energy Tea has a smooth flavor consisting of mellow, grassy notes of green tea and hints of sweet peach. It’s a surprisingly smooth flavor that goes down easily.

Green tea and peach go well together. It’s a common tea combination sold by several other tea manufacturers too. But here, you get the extra caffeine.

One thing, though, is that if you steep the bag too long the flavors become unpleasant and the cup tastes bitter. Keep your steep-times short (2-3 minutes) and you’ll have a smooth cup up green tea every time.

You can add sugar or honey to your cup. But don’t. It’s an insult, an obscene gesture, to the tea makers. Anyone who sells tea spends a lot of time and effort selecting the right ingredients to craft the perfect blend for their drinkers.

Trying to “enhance” a cup of tea is like trying to add additional brush strokes to the Mona Lisa or extra chisel cuts to the Statue of David. You should not mess with something that’s already so beautiful.

Green Energy Tea

A high caffeine blend of green tea and peach. The perfect drink to keep you engaged at work!

Buy on Amazon

Final thoughts

Everyone wishes to find meaningful employment in life but actually finding it is a very difficult task indeed. It’s almost like advancing in your “career” is simply just finding a job that sucks less than the last one.

The only remedy we find for our lack of enthusiasm is by loading up on caffeinated beverages. Caffeine super charges our day and lets us feign interest in our work with the greatest of ease!

Be sure to try Green Energy Tea. It’s one of the most affordable and delicious ways to get caffeine, and green tea, into your body!